Anyway, before I go on even more... It is time to reflect back. I want to share some of the blogs and pictures that have already been posted by others. There is really only one thing that I can say right now:
Dear ESA & DLR Team Members - you put together a very fun, interactive and impressive event. Everybody there was helpful and welcoming. It was fantastic to meet people from so many different countries, with many different languages and dialects, different views, ideas and opinions. But we all shared a common interest and love: Space & Space Exploration. There is a lot of work that goes into the preparations and execution of such an event. Thank you for doing all that, for opening up your world to us. Thanks for making us part of the team, sharing your passion, excitement and work. Thanks for letting us peak behind the curtains and see what is happening there in Cologne. And thank you for introducing your European Bluesuits to us Americans (and everybody else).
Dear Tweetup Attendees - thank you for being such cool peeps! Not only did so many of you pose with me, hold me, or tape me to a stick, but you have been sharing your stories, excitement and inspiration of ESA, DLR and many missions.
But I must also ask you to not stop there! You now have gotten an inside look of the wonderful things that are being done, the science that comes out of it and the impact it has today and in the future. Now you must take this knowledge, excitement and interest to the next level and share it with others in your circles. You have an opportunity to spread the understanding of "Why are we wanting to explore what's out there?". You have the ability to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers. It's easy to do, really. Continue to follow ESA, DLR, NASA, the Canadian, UK, Australian Space Agencies, ROSCOSMOS etc. and their missions. Learn what they all do, the missions they have, the science that comes out from them, and then share your knowledge with others.
Believe me, together we have the power and ability to make a big impact. W can demonstrate that science is not intimidating, that it is fun, interesting and necessary.
Zum Schluss moechte ich mich wirklich ganz herzlich bei Euch allen bedanken. Es kommt nicht oft vor, dass ein Gummihuhn so viele tolle Leute trifft und mit so vielen lustigen Erinnerung nach Hause kommen darf. Ganz vielen lieben Dank.
So here are some blogs and pictures from some people. I'll try to collect more.
Till soon!Yours truly,
Camilla Corona SDO
ESA SpaceTweetup Blog
Space Tweetup Wiki
18 September 2011 Space Tweetup, Cologne, Germany by DLR and ESA
Beth Beck
SpaceTweetup Awesome
Austrian Space Forum
First European #spacetweup in Cologne
An incredibly #awesome #SpaceTweetup
In der Forschung tweepts wohl
Nachrichten aus Absurdistan (which is pretty much where I live!)
Spacetweetup - when dreams come true
Space Quotes / Souvenirs d'Espace
Interview with Astronaut Alexander Gerst (ESA)
Skyweek two point Zero
Live blog form the first Euro-Space Tweetup
Birgitte Bailleul
Observer La Terre Depuis Lespace
Virginie Courbin
When in Cologne...
Camilla Corona SDO's Blog
ESA & DLR German Aerospace Day
ESA Best of Pics
SpaceTweetup2011's Pics
SimSullen's Pics
MF72's Pics
Craftlass' Pics
Stefan M.'s Pics
Zebramaedchen's Pics
Timmermansr's Pics
Daniel Ziegenberg's Pics
Famille Sebile's Pics
Anne Grudzien's Pics
Hell yea, it's rocket science's Pics
Anatomiz's Pics
Official Group Photo
In the NEWS
XtraNews - Spacetweetup; Wie Twitter das Marketing Revolutioniert
SciLogs KosmoLogs - Impressionen vom Tag der Luf- und Raumfahrt - SpaceTweetup; Was machen die Space Tweeps? (Podcast)
ZDF - Hyperland Darueber Spricht das Web - Tweets im Weltall
Rhein-Zeitung - Wie twittert man im All?
More from Today's Outing to the top of the Cologne Cathedral